Inquiry | IR information


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In order to appropriately manage the protection of personal information and fulfill its social responsibilities, baudroie inc. (“the Company”) has established its personal information protection policy as follows. The Company declares that all of its officers, employees, and other staff members shall comply with and implement this personal information protection policy.

1. Purpose of use

The Company shall use personal information only for the purpose of providing better products and services to its clients, delivering useful information, and for other legitimate purposes.

2. Collection of personal information

When the Company collects your personal information, it shall do so only to the extent necessary after informing you of the purpose of the collection and its contact information for you.

3. Appropriate management of personal information

The Company shall keep your personal information up-to-date and take steps to prevent and correct unauthorized access to, loss, destruction, falsification, or leakage of personal information.

4. Restrictions on provision to third parties

The Company shall not disclose or provide your personal information to third parties other than subcontractors and business partners without your consent, unless under special circumstances.

5. Compliance with the consignment contract

Personal information entrusted to the Company by its consignor under the consignment contract shall be used within the scope of that contract, with appropriate management.

6. Management of contractors

In the event that the processing of personal information is outsourced, the Company shall manage the information appropriately by contractually obligating the outsourcing party to ensure that the information will not be leaked or re-provided.

7. Confirmation and correction of personal information

If you wish to confirm or correct your personal information, the Company's customer service desk will respond to your request as soon as reasonably possible.

8. Personal information management system

In order to strengthen its company-wide efforts to protect personal information, the Company shall appoint a personal information manager and continuously educate and enlighten its employees.

9. Compliance with laws and regulations

In handling personal information, the Company shall comply with the relevant laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information and with the rules established within the Company, while continuously reviewing and improving the details of this policy.

10. Contact

Please contact the inquiry desk for procedures regarding notifications on the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, or discontinuation of personal data held by the Company.